Unprecedented Results
Results you can trust
The below testing included Landfill - Organics - Class II criteria. Specifically, the raw waste stream and processed solids were tested for BTEX contamination. Residual BTEX in the processed solids was lower than the measurable threshold.
SAGD Centrifuge Paste - AGAT test results - November 22, 2019:

The below testing included Dean Stark Analysis of the raw waste and processed dry solid waste stream from bin. In addition, it includes the BS&W Analysis (Base Sediment & Water) of the recaptured hydrocarbon.
Recover YOUR assets
Don't just remediate, reclaim your assets!
If you have any questions, contact us directly for a consultation on how we can help you recover the value from your waste streams.
"We look forward to working with AGES on this project, and are enthusiastic in the opportunities this technology can bring to the market"
-Troy McElgunn
Director, Technical Services, Tervita Corporation